You’ve probably heard of Spring Cleaning, but did you know that your yard needs a Fall Cleaning as well? Performing a Fall clean up can help prepare your landscape for the upcoming Winter and get it ready for new plants in the Spring.

What’s a Fall Clean Up?

Fall is such a wonderful time of the year. There are pumpkins, changing leaves, snuggly sweaters, and so much more. Many people are already familiar with the necessary task of raking up fall leaves that cover your yard, but a true Fall clean up goes a little deeper than raking leaves.

To properly perform Fall Clean Ups that will have maximum benefits for your property, Precision Maintenance by Clifford Suppa and Jhesse Jones visits your property three times. Our Fall Clean Up schedule begins October 29th and runs through December 19th. This allows for maximum clean-up for any late falling debris that may happen. Your complete Fall Clean Up should include:

Clear away debris

The first step in a Fall Clean Up does involve raking or blowing leaves, but it should also involve weeding and clearing away other fallen debris as well. If left unchecked, these objects can encourage critters to nest in your flower beds during the winter and can also foster diseases that could affect your plants in the coming seasons. Make sure you clear away all weeds from the roots to make sure they don’t return as easily next year.

Prune your shrubs and trees

Pruning your shrubs and trees is an important part of maintaining their health and optimal growth. You should examine your shrubs and trees for any dead wood and remove it at the base. Be careful not to trim away healthy branches, though, as this could have detrimental side effects on your plants’ ability to grow. This step will also help keep the ground clear during the winter, as you’ll be cutting away the branches that would likely fall away and cover the ground.

Tidy up your veggies

If you have a vegetable patch, you’ll want to remove old plants after the final harvest. This can help keep the area clear and ready for the next growing season when you plant new vegetables.

Rake and lay mulch

Fallen leaves can suffocate your grass if you don’t remove them, so raking or leaf blowing is a crucial part of lawn care. You’ll also want to add a layer of mulch around the base of your perennials and shrubs to help protect them from the coming frost and harsh temperatures of Winter.

Cliff’s Tips

Bulbs planted in the summer will not return the following year.  Bulbs planted in the spring will return year after year.

Mow your lawn

After you’ve raked away the leaves, you’ll need to mow the lawn to get it ready for the coming Winter. Ideally you should never mow more than 1/3 inch from the tip of the grass, so be sure your mower is on the right setting. The main benefit of mowing your lawn during a Fall Clean Up is that it helps dry out the soil when spring comes and can help you achieve a fuller and more lush lawn. Precision Maintenance by Clifford Suppa and Jhesse Jones will cut your lawn two times during the three clean up visits.

Plant Fall annuals, Spring bulbs, and shrubs

Now is the time to plant any bulbs for certain Spring blooms, as well as Fall annuals and shrubs. These can add a lot of beauty to your yard during the season where many plants are hunkering down for the cold. There are a lot of beautiful plants that thrive best when planted in the Fall, so if you’re unfamiliar with these options be sure to look them up!

Clean your gutters

It’s also important to clean up and prep your home or property for the coming cold, and this includes your gutters. During Fall, many leaves can end up in your gutters which could lead to blockages. Clear away any debris to make sure your gutters are functioning properly. Precision Maintenance by Clifford Suppa and Jhessy Jones does offer gutter cleaning. Contact us to schedule this service

Drain your hoses (etc.)

To get ready for the freezing temperatures of Winter, you’ll want to empty out your hoses and irrigation systems to avoid damage. Be sure to dry them out and store them in a dry area as well.

Clean your deck

You’ll also want to protect your patio or deck before Winter comes. This usually means giving it a nice power wash to get rid of any mold or slippery algae. You can also add a weatherproofing stain to your deck to give it extra protection during the cold and wet Winter.

Hiring a Professional for Your Fall Clean Up

As you can see, the to-do list for a Fall Clean Up is fairly long and can take a long time to complete if you decide to do it yourself. Most people would rather hire a professional for a Fall Clean Up so they can spend that time with family or doing other fall activities.

If you live in Rockville Centre, Baldwin, Oceanside, or Wantagh New York, consider Precision Maintenance by Clifford Suppa and Jhesse Jones for your Fall Clean Up needs. We’re proud to serve our New York Community for over three generations, with our professionalism and attention to detail and are passionate about helping you achieve the lawn of your dreams.

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